By oh ffs - 25/01/2013 01:13 - United States

Today, I met with my Bolivian friend, who's vacationing here for a few weeks. Eager to show him how welcoming we are in the USA, I took him home and introduced him to my parents. The first words out of my dad's mouth were, "Bolivia? That's in Europe, right? We saved your asses in World War 2." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 447
You deserved it 4 020

Same thing different taste

Top comments

omfg_creepers 8

and then he replied. " We got you covered in WWIII."


Wow! Geography fail and history fail, all in one stupid statement. I feel sorry for you, OP.

tyrabroadway 4

At least your dad knows his history.. It could have been worse.. Lol

No... he doesn't... that's half the FML.

No he didn't. By the time the US got involved in the war, the allies in Europe were starting to advance towards Germany anyway. The US only sped up victory. We would have won regardless.

sorry, got the date of Stalingrad wrong. Thought it was 1941 not 1942. However the major western advance (D-day) wasn't until 1944, 2 years after Russia started advancing anyway.

I can't beelieve you made that mistake twice.

I'm actually adopted from Bolivia. I get that shit all the time. People ask if it's in china because I guess I look Chinese. :p

I feel sorry for you for being related to such people.

CharresBarkrey 15

28 - Starting to? It doesn't even make sense! Could've is literally "could have." How do people not get that?

NotGabe 28

Owch... So much for feeling welcomed in America. :/

I'm not American but I assume that's what a Republican would say...:/

beautycrush495 10

I hope your dad never helped you in social studies