By Kingofbosses - 22/08/2013 05:31 - United States

Today, I moved into my university dorm a week before classes start. Everyone kept giving me weird looks as they watched me move my stuff in. Finally, one of my dorm mates asked me if I knew that school had actually started last week. I didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 493
You deserved it 16 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow that sucks. I hope you'll be able to catch up with your classes

BubbleGrunge 18

Way to make a grand entrance OP! Now, buckle down, you've missed a lot of work!


And if they have dropped you, what a wasted semester's worth of tuition. :S

Yeah, you totally deserved this. They send you enough emails and letters telling you when it starts. Hopefully you were able to catch up in all your classes, at least it will be a good story!

Wow you fail miserably. How do you not know when your semester starts? How did you get into college to begin with if you're that stupid?

alliewillie 22

If you thought you were coming in a week early but were actually a week late... You must not be very on top of things in general - two weeks off is a big difference...

It's OK, you're the King of Bosses, right? ;-)

Omg that totally sucks, I hope u can catch up on what you've missed.

I'll be moving in 3 days before classes start

You seriously didn't even bother to check when your first day of classes was? It sounds like maybe you're not cut out for college.