By creepyguy - 26/12/2009 12:06 - Australia

Today, I noticed a girl looking at me on the train. Playing it cool, I decided to give her a smile and see what would happen. It came out as a creepy, seedy grin, prompting her to call security. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 303
You deserved it 9 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha who calls security for receiving seedy looks? Maybe it's better that it didn't go anywhere... she sounds slightly crazy. Like the sort of person who would overreact over every little detail, like obsessing over the 1ms time delay in you saying "no, of course those pants don't make you look fat!" It's all for the best....


HideAndSeekGeek 0

dude, that was YOU?! omg I was like soo freaked out! lol turns out it was a misunderstanding! i gotta make that up to you call me: 3167499537 ;)

lmaooo ur just awesome, you know that? :P

Norther 1

#59 I hate people who think that. You think you're so effing cool right? Well, you're not!

Bahaha!! Thts a sign tht u probably shouldn't smile sweetie

maybe she just kept looking at you because you kept looking at her