By Anonymous - 06/12/2011 02:16 - United Kingdom

Today, I noticed that my facial hair had grown by an acceptable amount. I spoke to my Dad and decided to show him, thinking he would approve of my manliness. His exact words when I showed him were, "Nah, son. You just look like a lesbian." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 808
You deserved it 5 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wasn't aware lesbians had facial hair.

flockz 19

hey at least your facial hair was longer than kim kardashian's marriage.


In all honesty beards win. Noshavember and Decembeard anyone?

HisAngel6511 11
bubo_fml 10

Be happy he didn't say something crass, such as..."Does that hair tickle your boyfriend's dick?"

About 99% of people who think their facial hair makes them look cool is wrong. You should be appreciative of your dad's honesty.

InvisibleMonster_fml 16
rexgar2000 10

dude I dont know if you noticed but every comment you make on FML that I have seen it's always thumbed down and buried, that tells you something huh? plus for some odd reason you profile pic annoys me.