By rarara - 30/10/2012 21:26 - United Kingdom - Manchester
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 06/12/2011 02:16 - United Kingdom
By xxxchelsiexxx - 06/02/2011 06:02 - United States
By SheWentCrayola - 17/10/2009 02:04 - United States
By HeIsKindaRightTho - 16/09/2014 04:31 - United States - Houghton
By mbesameh - 11/06/2011 06:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/04/2009 16:14 - United Kingdom
By yellow_sunflowers101 - 16/04/2009 16:53 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/09/2013 07:53 - United States - Carbondale
By matish - 20/09/2018 13:30
Mistaken identity
By Anonymous - 15/05/2022 07:00 - Brazil - Fraiburgo
Top comments
I'm sorry! That was rude of him!
It wasn't rude since he didn't know... It was an honest mistake. OP just needs to act more "feminine" or something like that.
op doesn't have to do anything. being more feminine really wouldn't do anything
double post. sorry.
If she doesn't want to be mistaken for a guy, then yes.
She mentioned she was wearing a dress, so unless he thought she was a gay boy wearing a dress, then no she doesn't have to look more feminine...
You want her to have a full on beard and/or stubble? A razor is really not the answer here if her extra hair is on her face, neck or anywhere other than her legs/armpits really. She's already wearing a dress - sometimes there's not much more you can do without seeking hormone therapy (which doesn't work for everyone) or getting laser hair removal (which can be pretty expensive). You just have to pluck/bleach/wax what you can (depending on the area) and hope no-one notices. Sucks but that's life. In any case, this is a true FML and it's kinda dumb to suggest it could all be fixed if OP just 'acted a bit more feminine' (which she may not even want to do - it is possible to not want to act super feminine whilst still wanting to be recognised as a girl you know).
OP i have the same issue. PCOS is a treatable issue, speak to your doctor about taking birth control, metformin, and spirolactrone? (Not sure if I spelled that last one right) but that's what i take to balance my issue. Also if you're over weight. Losing weight will help lessen the issue. I hope my comment reaches you and you're able to find help. You can also wax, or get laser treatments. Good Luck, OP.
84- I have a few gay friends, too. None of them wear dresses unless they are bored and want to dress up. However, some guys like to dress up like a girl, otherwise none as drag. The man could have thought that OP was, infact a male dressed in drag. To the people who were saying that the man was rude, I very much disagree.
It's an awkward misunderstanding, but not really his fault. He could have just as easily made the opposite mistake and called a feminine guy a girl.
Top op, poster 25, and generally anyone who thinks wearing a dress is feminine, **** You, -Sincerely every crossdresser and Pre=HT (HRH) Transexual, and if you include skirts, every highlander. Also Op, try a razor.
Drag is quite different to cross dressing, drag is for panto, cross dressing has no such connections, just as wearing panties doesn't automatically mean we want to cum in them either, thank you, very much.
So what, I bloody have to, as does any man who doesn't want a damn beard, stop being lazy get a proper damn razor, the sort you could kill someone with if needs be, and shave it off, or put the **** up with it.
102, you do realize cross dressers dressing as women are trying to appear feminine, right? Dresses are very much feminine, and are intended for females. Men who wear dresses are usually doing because of the fact that it is feminine. They are taking on a different gender role, hence the reason they sometimes wear makeup and wigs, as well.
106- Not true. That's a generalization. Sometimes a man just wants to wear a dress or a skirt. End of story. There's nothing wrong with that. I spend my summers trying to go to music festivals whenever possible, and let me tell you, there's some badass men that rock their hippy skirts. They don't always want to be feminine, and in fact many are very masculine. They just want to wear piece of clothing they like, to hell with society's perceptions.
A "skirt" and a dress are not exactly the same. Kilts are types of skirts. Men don't generally flounce around in DRESSES, though. Sure there are exceptions, but generally a man in a dress is feminine in some way or another. Skirts, on the other hand, are tradition in some cultures and aren't generalized as feminine.
109- I did say a dress or a skirt in my argument, not just skirts. I still believe that you're just stereotyping cross dressers, but there's no real point in debating the issue here. Anyway, we're both female as is, so we can't really pretend to know anything about what goes through any male's mind when he decides to wear feminine targeted clothing. You and I can both easily wear almost anything we want.
True, we can't really say seeing as we are female, but a good friend of mine is a male that cross dresses. While I don't claim to be an expert by any means, I have learned a few things from him. But I agree as you said, being females we don't know what they are thinking. I in no way mean to stereotype, just stating what I've picked up from my friend and his fellow cross dressers. I apologize if I came across in a negative way.
raraisbang, there actually are dresses designed for men and there are men who like wearing feminine dresses even if they totally feel like men. However I'm assuming OP was not only wearing a feminine dress but she would probably act feminine and all since she's a girl and obviously feel like it. From that I'd say the guy should have called her a girl. Even if she looked like a transgender woman (MtF) or something, someone putting so much efforts in looking like the other gender couldn't possibly get offended by being called a woman - in fact they might be offended by being called a man. I don't know if I'm making much sense but again I'm just assuming, from the fact that I happen to be transgender too and know what they could feel like. So, F OP's life and I hope she can get treatments for that kind of disorder.
I'm assuming he thought you were a cross-dressing man or something
Your comment is offensive to cross dressing men.
You seem offended.
38 I am not sure if you are serious
38, his comment is not offensive in any way *prances around in a dress*
What 139 said, that wouldn't exactly be the definition of a strapping young man. (No offense implied -_- sad we have to say it)

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayAww, I didn't see the sentence about the dress. Thumb me down please; it was my mistake.
Maybe I don't want to...
Not singling you out but I don't get why people insist on making comments when they haven't bothered to read the full FML
I don't know where you got that from... I'm just saying it makes more sense to read the full post before commenting. I only meant what I said, not anything about going 'against the system'.
abbeygale, some people are just eager to get a comment higher up in the list so they don't read the post well enough. I'm not saying that's what happened here but just a thought
57 - No it's a good point, don't worry I'm not bothered by other opinions or anything, I just don't appreciate people twisting my words.
I'm currently suffering from a severe cold and had to write a paper today (yes, I am a procrastinator). I'm physically and mentally exhausted, so I'm not surprised that I missed a couple of words in the FML. I also don't fight to get the top of the list; I like posting comments or relevant replies.
48, it's called being human. Sometimes, we miss details and make mistakes. It happens.
AbbeyGale I think you should re-read 57s comment..
The edit button is nice. People need to learn to use it more.
Please take your drama back to Facebook....
This reminds me of the song "dude looks like a lady"
I pictured the cat saying this.
Somebody told me, that you had a boyfriend...
Come on dude... Man up...
That song's funny too because steve tyler looks like a lady. Yes you do look like a lady, steve tyler
Don't worry about it OP, it was an honest mistake. Atleast he was trying to give a nice complement.
It would be a nice compliment, if the person it was intended for was in fact a boy... However, they aren't, and I can't imagine OP saying- "oh! I'm a girl! Thank-you though! That's very nice of you!"
108, the guy really didn't mean it to be offensive, though. How was he know OP had a hormone condition? and about the dress part; he might have thought she was a cross dressing male, or just overlooked it. Maybe she had just walked in as he was leaving.
I realize that.
Do not take it as offense. He didn't know. For example, people thought I was a girl due to my pre puberteric? voice. I was a late bloomer.
Hmmmm, because he seems to be agelessly immortal, late could be 2 or late could mean it hasn't happened yet, or anywhere in between.
No, you should've flashed him, that would've helped more than the dress.
Hairy boobs, 74?
That is just disgusting...and I can't help but laugh at the look on any guy's face after he goes through that experience xD
Sorry OP! FYL, it's not your fault you have hormone imbalances!
That must have been incredibly awkward. I wonder what the guy said after OP corrected him? Keep your chin up, OP. Hopefully you will find a treatment that works for you so you don't have to deal with these situations.
You comment on every FML post - it's insane. How do you have that time...?
OP: I'm a girl... The guy: I like young mannish girls *creeper face*
@90: I'm more impressed by her timing skills!! She's typically one of the first commenters... By the time I finally find an FML I want to comment on, many people have already said it 20 different ways for me! So props to you KyleeKay ;)
That was a low blow

I'm assuming he thought you were a cross-dressing man or something
I'm sorry! That was rude of him!