By Anonymous - 01/05/2009 18:36 - United States

Today, I opened my email expecting to see messages from my friends and family wishing me a happy birthday, but there were none. There were Happy Birthday messages from Pizza Hut and Victoria's Secret, however. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 918
You deserved it 4 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are on a pizza hut mailing list? I think I've found the real fml here.

lolololcheese 0

Happy birthday from random strangers on the internet!


Tell your friends that Pizza Hut and Victoria Secret is your new friends and ditch them then they will come to this site and make a post that says "today, my friend ditched me to become friends with Pizza Hut and Victoria Secret. FML"

average_girl 0

well u gotta remind ppl... none of my friends remembered my b day the 1st time i told them.. i had 2 keep reminding them.. on the other hand i remember tons of my friends b days... wow some friends if it makes u feel better... HAPPY B DAY!!! :DDD

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Don't worry they are probably ignoring you on purpose and are going to throw you a surprise party! ...or maybe it's not your birthday..hmmm... check your calendar because today is May 1st. =)

go check your facebook, its probably way too early anyways

Those stores send you newsletters on your birthday? Nice. Happy Birthday

Aha, that sucks. Happened to me too, but I got a lot of happy birthdays from my friends when I went to school. I was just disappointed when I didn't see any emails or anything from Facebook.

blueforyou 0

pizza hut and victoria secret... those don't quite go together

blueforyou 0

pizza hut and victoria secret... those don't quite go together

rockmyworld 0

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!! You share a birthday with my best friend:) go celebrate!