By Anonymous - 01/05/2009 18:36 - United States

Today, I opened my email expecting to see messages from my friends and family wishing me a happy birthday, but there were none. There were Happy Birthday messages from Pizza Hut and Victoria's Secret, however. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 918
You deserved it 4 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are on a pizza hut mailing list? I think I've found the real fml here.

lolololcheese 0

Happy birthday from random strangers on the internet!


I had my bday recently and i only got 2 cards; 1 from my ex-gf, a condolence card... and one from a women who i used to chat with when i was 16 (8 years ago) and never met.

sa2723 0

Happy Birthday!!.. It's mine too :)

happy birthday. and now try to find some friends in rl

:] Happy birthday. It's my 20th birthday today. xD It's really too bad that happened :(

tiltwrestler 0

So apparently, you're a fat **** with no friends. Man, life must suck for you... but uh, happy birthday!!! =)

Happy Birthday, darling! I wish I could give you a gift. T^T

At least now you know who your true friends are: Pizza Hut & Victoria Secret Happy birthday :)

Happy birthday! Eat a pizza to drown your sorrows!

Ryan_fultz 0

Happy Birthday You Know you need some new friends