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By Anonymous - 02/04/2012 02:33 - United States

Today, the only person to wish me a happy birthday was a survey website. I took their stupid survey out of appreciation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 400
You deserved it 2 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheFamilyElf 17

Stupid survey? Be nicer and maybe more people would give you birthday wishes! Sorry op, that sucks. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! I suppose we'll see another FML by tomorrow saying " today I received more birthday greetings on FML than I ever had IRL or on Facebook, FML" Sry OP, there ARE worse things in life.


TheFamilyElf 17

Stupid survey? Be nicer and maybe more people would give you birthday wishes! Sorry op, that sucks. Happy birthday!

Yeah OP, it could have been worse, it could have been from your **** account! However, happy birthday I hope you ended up getting an amazing cake!

thiscrazything 1

Yes, things could always be worse, look at it this way, you have a whole new year to make new friends, so that next year they can celebrate your birthday! Good luck and happy birthday, OP.

siickman 7

12 is making a refrence to an earlier FML lol insiders are great :)

Time to get a life OP... Or atleast go outside... Hope it gets better

Ahhhh , is that your dog ? Its sooo cute !

Hope OP enjoys having his inbox spammed by that thing for the next 5 months. Yeah, happy birthday.

rainbowbigbird 7

The gift that keeps on giving.

Happy Birthday OP. you still have whole day i m pretty sure people are gonna give you birthday wish sooner or later. cheer up : )

Happy birthday! I suppose we'll see another FML by tomorrow saying " today I received more birthday greetings on FML than I ever had IRL or on Facebook, FML" Sry OP, there ARE worse things in life.

Now you see who's your real friends are. (hint: the survey people) (;

Hey, at least somebody was thinking about you. Happy birthday, OP! I'd say have a good one but... :/

Well you came to right place, Happy Birthday!