By Anonymous - 17/01/2014 23:52 - United Kingdom

Today, I overheard my mum tell my sister that she should make me a bridesmaid at her wedding. My sister scoffed, "She looks like Shamu, mum. I can't have THAT in my wedding pics." followed by laughter and my mum saying, "Touché." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 041
You deserved it 6 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd rather not be in a wedding for anyone like that or not.


If it were me I wouldn't even go to the wedding and I wouldn't speak to them until they apologize for what they said, or I would purposely ruin her wedding and not feel bad about it

Op, why not keep it simple and just email them the link for this. You don't have to say anything and they can read up on how they've been deservedly shamed but only if you can handle the fall out. These two "females" you are unfortunately related to will no doubt try to find a way to blame you.

angrymexicanwee 8

Thats what you get for being fat

Don't allow your sister or your mother to be a part of your wedding

I agree with #55....where an expensive and gorgeous WHITE dress to her wedding and then photobomb ALLLLL night! HAH. She will just love looking back on memories of being a total bitch on "her special day". What an ass...Sorry OP, I'm sure you ARE BEAUTIFUL just the way your are! :)

Yeah and you have the sister having her "wedding ruined" because the shade of her shoes is one shade too light and the lighting isn't at the right angle and she storms out of her own wedding and demands a better wedding with celebrity bridesmaids.