By Barney - 18/06/2011 16:10 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Spelit - 13/08/2010 19:45 - United States
By Ed - 05/12/2010 13:53 - United States
Thanks, I hate it
By I'm Trading Up For A Dog - 14/12/2014 20:28 - Finland - Pori
By Anonymous - 15/12/2012 15:55 - United States - Amsterdam
By ositsranielle - 13/02/2010 17:32 - United States
By ohshit - 29/03/2011 00:31 - Canada
By kengu - 23/10/2011 21:02 - Norway
Primitive art
By Anonymous - 19/04/2021 00:30
Parenting fail
By Anonymous - 21/01/2020 19:00 - United Kingdom
Roommates from hell
By HGTV - 01/10/2013 18:43 - United States - Boston
Top comments
OMG, YDI for SOOOOOOO many reasons this time OP! First, for having a cat. How many FMLs do you see on this site EVERY DAY about cats causing havoc? Compare that to how many FMLs you see for dogs or fish or whatever other pet. There are so many cat FMLs they should get their own category. Anyone who uses this site should know better than to own a cat. You are pretty much asking for it. Secondly, for not keeping careful control of an area you were painting. Paint is messy and has a way of getting where it isn't supposed to go and is a pain to clean up when that happens. Common sense says you shouldn't have had a cat in an area where painting is taking place. There shouldn't have been anyone or anything in that area that didn't need to get painted. You had a cat in there, it got painted. But MOST OF ALL, YDI for painting a room "Barney Purple" in the first place. I mean, SERIOUSLY? BARNEY??? For starters, I didn't think Barney was even around anymore. Everyone hated him even back in the day when he was "popular" and I haven't seen anyone mention him in a serious manner for about ten years now. Then I've got to wonder how old your kid must be to be watching Barney anyway. I'm gonna guess less than five. With every day that goes by she gets one day closer to being too old for Barney. When that day arrives she is going to start nagging you like all hell to paint that room a different color. So from the very get go you condemned yourself to having to paint this room multiple times just because of the color you choose. Unless you happen to enjoy spending large amounts of time in small spaces filled with paint fumes, this was not a smart move. So the end result of all this is that you are going to end up with (some day in the future) an angry, socially inept teenager living in the hallway of your house where she will demand on a daily basis that you repaint the purple room she refuses to live in while you are busy being mauled by a cat. You probably had no idea that choosing the wrong color for a room could distroy so many lives, but it did. YDI.
Cool story bro.
That sneaky devil!! XD
Maybe the cat thought the house could use a little color. :)
**** your daughters life for having her room Barney themed :P
Lol, that actually happend to me once too! U had to scrub it off the floor!
Hahahahahahahaha. That's why you pay attention :P To the people who claim that there are not many fmls about dogs search On the FML website for German I have both a cat and a dog and like them both
I hate Barney. the song backwards creeps me out. O.e

at least cats have cute paws.
ha win