By Anonyme - 09/07/2011 00:11 - France

Today, I peeked through my window and trained a pair of binoculars on my neighbour's house. Every night without fail, he ends up standing in front of his window topless to flex his muscles. This time, I was surprised to instead find a note taped to the window saying, "Sorry, I'm out tonight." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 978
You deserved it 83 951

Same thing different taste


dazed_confused94 9

what if that was you being watched? would you be creeped out? I'm sure you would, thats really creepy and messed up >.

blood_sheds 0
Sacurason 0
blah1049 0

Wow, this really made me laugh lmfaoo

um why are you watching your neighbors???

GET A LIFE geez if he moves that would just be awkward