By Were do we go... - 15/04/2012 04:24 - United States

Today, I played a game with my boyfriend. The point of the game is to write down everything you like about someone. I put down at least ten things for him. He had one thing down for me: my boobs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 196
You deserved it 6 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sounds like he may have been a little distracted during this game.

At least now you know why he's with you :( Sorry op


Just tell him uve been thinking about getting a reduction n see what he says. Maybe then ull finally see how much he really does care..or doesn't.

bizarre_ftw 21

Say "you only like my boobs? What about my ass? Let me show it to you" and walk out Yes, I know, another "break up" comment, but unless it's a joke - and I don't think it would be on here if it were - he really is only with her for her body and doesn't care about her therefore not a worthwhile boyfriend

Could be a joke, they instantly get over it, and then write the FML together, or OP isn't really that offended, until later she realizes, hey, that would make a good FML.

l3rett 1

That could technically be two things he likes about you

Romance for men is hard enough without fabricating a game that instantly demands it.

Maybe he disnt kno ur supposed to put more then one thing. Atleast he was honest though, I mean who doesn't like boobs?!

That doesn't sound like a game. That sounds like someone fishing for compliments. Maybe your boyfriend wasn't taking at as seriously as you and put down a joke answer. It's only a game though so don't worry.