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By Anonymous - 30/10/2010 01:23 - United States

Today, my own boyfriend admitted that he can't name one single thing he likes about me without naming something "physical." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 792
You deserved it 6 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

turtlemansam 6
Inspired22 11

Hmm. If it bothers you that the relationship is mainly physical, then see if it can be improved upon, or end it. It sucks, but it's life. If we're lucky, one of our relationships ends up working out. So don't waste your time on the shitty ones, because life is too short! Get rid of people who make you unhappy!


turtlemansam 6
omG_G00 0

Why does that not surprise you?

men summon their one eyed snakes to think for them

What is surprising? Who wants to surprise and why? I don't understand

omG_G00 0

Madarchod - your username is surprising.

stephanie0613 0

Thank god my boyfriend can name thousands of things although it's not bad atleast you know he is fully attracted to you.

desigirl2010 0

yeah what is up with that username?! well. at least you're proud to be one.

omg dump him if he doesn't like you for you! a boyfriend as to like you for inside as well! so lucky I'm loved for who I am=)

I'm not just cause I have a couple of...........!!!!!............... doesn't mean i'm yelling

that's still a compliment though, i mean that's still saying you look good so cheer up.

38- I'm pretty sure he likes her for her insides... just not er personality. and if that's the case... YDI for having a terrible personality!

26: Er, no. Being "fully attracted" to someone would include being attracted to her personality, mind, viewpoint, etc.

highschool_britt 2

Maybe she should take that as a compliment, considering that guys aren't exactly emotional or revealing..

leoisthebestt123 0
EmoPolarBearShim 0

well that's the case with mist teenage boys. unless you're not a teenager.

oooh boooty callllll. you sure you're not a hooker?

randiZ25 0

how does being attractive make you a hooker?

Something wrong with that? Be appreciative. He's with you, so he likes you.

yeah but only for her looks man she wants someone who will appreciate heron the inside too

Dude, 4, WTF is that in your pic? It's pretty much exactly how I pictured the pequininos from the Ender series (minus the nipples, of course).

I'm not gonna lie, but ,76, you are very ugly.

Oh noes! Whatever shall I do?! An anonymous stranger called me ugly on tha intertoobz! I guess I'll go crouch in the shower and cut myself while the water beats down on me like my heart's billion tears, drowning the sound of my sobbing so that no one will know my shame. Now I'll have to upload a booby shot to redeem my shattered self-esteem. :[ BRB, gotta go put on the megabra.

you deserve it for being with a superficial ass! 10 buks he's a pretty boy and has rok hard abs and you like what "his eyes" get over yourself! when you get fat or ugly or both you'll moan cause ur man won't have anything nice to say bout ur body!

nah just sik of spoilt brats moaning cause they are hot. just enjoy it. Anyway she sounds like a drama queen postin that on here. not even an fml.

Draminicaus 0

Kinda gotta agree with Jess. That's way better than some of the compliments I've heard. Maybe OP is one of those "Bella" girls that lack a personality completely.

Draminicaus 0

What's wrong with a Twilight joke? :P

If the OP is anything like a "Bella" she shouldn't even have a boyfriend in the first place.

knibbsy 4

If you can't cook and clean, then I agree that you're worthless, OP.

Inspired22 11

Hmm. If it bothers you that the relationship is mainly physical, then see if it can be improved upon, or end it. It sucks, but it's life. If we're lucky, one of our relationships ends up working out. So don't waste your time on the shitty ones, because life is too short! Get rid of people who make you unhappy!

Arsonnist 3

Then I'm sure he can name a double thing.

giantsfan2010 23

You guys are so quick to judge, you don't even know the whole situation.

Oh, sorry. Please explain the rest of it to us.