By TheJazzKid - 30/08/2011 03:56 - United States

Today, I played a Jazz gig. It rained, making the tent the band performed under heavy with water. When I stepped forward to play my solo, the front end of the tent collapsed under the weight of the rain, drenching me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 240
You deserved it 2 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hotcaligirl 10

You should have continued.. It just made a dramatic entrance to your performance.. Shoulda been all sexy with it. Lol.


Did anyone else read that as **** gag? =/

would have been epic if you didn't even miss a beat

Outdoor concerts tend to suck. Especially during rainy months...I've been there (the worst part was after it'd stopped raining and some stupid bitch kept her umbrella up anyway, blocking the view of everyone behind her, no matter how many times we asked her to put it away)