By Anonymous - 04/12/2011 05:44 - United States

Today, I played Taboo with my boyfriend and my conservative family. It was my boyfriend's turn and his word was "cherry". His only clue to me was, "I popped your..." He was the only one who found it funny. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 417
You deserved it 5 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

smiley1014 23

Classy clue by your boyfriend.


FriendlyOtaku 10

At least he has a sense of humor xD

j3ebrules 13

Hey, it's hard to think of those things off the top of your head with that time limit. LMAO at his excellent clue.

fdsafdsadfs 1

Your life sucks. Not because of that but because you have a conservative family.

Well if you were my daughter who I watched grow up from birth, I wouldn't find it too funny either. But your boyfriends sense of humor is good...... Only if it wasn't infront of your family.....