By Anonymous - 04/12/2011 05:44 - United States

Today, I played Taboo with my boyfriend and my conservative family. It was my boyfriend's turn and his word was "cherry". His only clue to me was, "I popped your..." He was the only one who found it funny. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 417
You deserved it 5 836

Same thing different taste

Top comments

smiley1014 23

Classy clue by your boyfriend.


ressa_1428 0

Holly shit balls!! That is funny! I would've bursted out laughing! XD I'd be like "OMG!!!!" then died of laughter. He would've murdered me with an awkward game of Taboo xD haha! Lmao!!

bshawndes1 0

Hahahaha that's funny. You should have laughed it off with him.

nsnforever 2

Actually, I think this is really funny. Inappropriate maybe, but definitely funny.

gotta do what it takes to win. your boyfriend obviously understands this. you and your parents need to ease up. its not like they never had sex

Damn awkward lol my bf would have done that too

Then you give him a weird look and say "no you didn't."

tbone87 1

That's the point of taboo! Bravo to the bf for pushing the boundaries and providing the fam with an awkward moment.

RegeenaDanielle 0
agtxero 2

I'm sorry but that's hilarious

When it was your dad's turn, his clue to your boyfriend should have been,"Something I'll pop in your ass." The correct answer is 'cap'.