By psychteacher - 04/11/2011 13:32 - United States

Today, I pressed snooze on my alarm clock for one of the first times ever. I ended up being late to my 8am class, and when I showed up, I couldn't start the projector. I called Tech Support. They came... and pushed the large button labeled "power." The whole class laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 207
You deserved it 33 262

sharkey131313131 tells us more.

this is the original poster. yeah...i was having an off day. in my defense, normally there's a small little power button on the top of the projector and that's all i've ever needed to use. someone must have messed with it though, because evidently there's a bigger power button on the side, and that's the one i missed. i felt like an idiot :( and i'm a graduate school TA...


Omg. Lol. This sounds a lot Like my AP history teacher.

Omg. Lol. This sounds a lot Like my AP history teacher.

ROFL. Sounds like my Law class. I swear sounds like our 72 old Professor. Lol.

caitiebug1119 15

Aw :( I'm sorry. We all have those days. And when the kids in your class have "one of those days", they'll feel pretty awkward about laughing at you.

this is the original poster. yeah...i was having an off day. in my defense, normally there's a small little power button on the top of the projector and that's all i've ever needed to use. someone must have messed with it though, because evidently there's a bigger power button on the side, and that's the one i missed. i felt like an idiot :( and i'm a graduate school TA...

PinkFun1969 9

Well at least it was plugged in.;-)

ideasrule 13

Next time, ask your students before calling tech support! I'm sure they could figure out most of your problems.

and i did ask the class! and by "one of the first times ever" i mean i have pressed snooze maybe twice before in my life. usually by the time my alarm goes off i'm already up and ready to get out of bed. i'm usually a morning person. and i wasn't even hungover... the injustice :)