Thanks Dave, good one
By tech_support - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Sweden
By tech_support - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Sweden
By Anonymous - 11/09/2021 19:00 - United States - Steele
By Anonymous - 27/11/2012 05:06 - United States - Appleton
By Namaslayed - 16/10/2015 18:04 - India - Mumbai
By Kenny - 24/01/2014 07:16 - Nigeria - Lagos
By Anonymous - 06/11/2012 18:29 - United States - Monson
By worksux - 05/01/2011 20:25 - United States
By hardlyworking - 04/03/2011 00:39 - United States
By Robert - 01/07/2009 09:37 - United States
By aireun - 09/07/2009 05:33 - United States
By goldenpuppy - 19/05/2016 20:54 - United States - Somerville
I've been in that position before. I trolled someone but I didn't screw someone's work
Haha my friend did this on April Fools' day to our teacher in the middle of class.
Confront him?
I did that to my teacher and he thought it was a virus
Trolling with you??
This is awesome
Stay back late on Friday. After he's gone, drip shrimp/prawn juice into the mouthpiece of his phone handset (on the old ones you could unscrew the mouthpiece and put a whole prawn in there). Get in Monday morning before him. As soon as he reaches his desk, dial his phone number.
Agreed. My teammate/victim thought it was hilarious when it was done to him.
That's how it went down with my co-worker, too.
That's what put it over the line, I think.
Great prank! Give him mad props!
You mean "scrolololol"
I'm sorry, but there IS a time and place for trolling. At work is not one of those places, especially if it screws up a whole day's worth of work and can potentially get the victim fired.
If they went the whole day without trying to figure out what was wrong, and looking at the computer (where they would discover the adapter), then this person's an idiot, and they deserve it.
ya i agree
At least there would have been two people wasting a whole days work.
Obviously there isn't that much work to be done if one has the time to do a prank like that and the other doesn't even try to fix the problem so he can do work
Op should report the asshole for harassment.
someone needs a hug
Hugs make everything better, but unfortunately I think they only work on humans. This guy's a troll.
Yeah they remind me of your mom!
Get him back by getting a wireless keyboard
No go to pen
46 idk what c#%ks are.... But If you were trying to say giant midget cocks It might make sense.
77 you obviously knew what she meant if you were able to determine what she was trying to say, your attempt at being a smart ass was a fail.
108- Lead you realize 85 called you a female correct?
94, read my profile and that's my response to your comment
That just made my day :D
The cord is invisible, silly!
I thought it was wireless.......
That just made my day :D
Im sorry but that's funny
I'm sorry, but there IS a time and place for trolling. At work is not one of those places, especially if it screws up a whole day's worth of work and can potentially get the victim fired.