By Magicgwen - 26/04/2012 20:45 - France - Paris
Same thing different taste
Help, I'm stranded!
By LexMarie12 - 15/03/2017 18:00
By no one - 19/06/2011 18:46 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/09/2024 14:00 - United Kingdom - Bristol
By Username - 29/05/2014 14:14 - United States
By healey16 - 03/04/2009 18:13 - Canada
By TheComputerGuy96 - 22/05/2010 07:56 - Italy
Send help!
By Anonymous - 30/05/2019 23:30 - India - Pune
I don't know my strength
By Anonymous - 09/01/2022 06:01 - Australia - Perth
By Anonymous - 07/04/2009 15:51 - Japan
Walnut head
By Anonymous - 16/03/2017 02:00
Top comments
Well looks like an outside toilet has to be built in the mean time, a hole or something.
Imagine playing Dig Dug in your bathroom! The worms and insects can be the enemies.
72- Irony. "Iron"y. "Ironboard". Get it now?
Time to start collecting bottles........
I would rather just unhinge the door.
I'm sorry but that's actually a brilliant pun (never thought I'd say that on FML).
I'm so in love with number 2
I don't see how it is ironic
That's the point. IRONy. Get it?
72- Irony. "Iron"y. "Iron"board. Ironboard. Get it now?
No no guys it's ironic because the ironing board wanted to show OP who's boss to get its self esteam back. ;P ...okay I tried lol
Clever girl.
The ghosts of Tom & Jerry are at it again. This time, they chose your house as their battlefield.
Sounds like something that only happens in cartoons... Well no more bathroom for you... Sorry OP
Take off the door
Since when can you take down the door from the outside the hinges are in the inside
That's just IRONIC....
Trying a little too hard there.
JOKES are always better in CAPITALS. Right? RIGHT?
108 - so is ur mom
Wow, clearly you guys take this FML forum a little too seriously...
why is it that this guy has the same comment as 2, and gets thumbed down so much on this FML, but on every other one people repeat the same thing so many times and get thumbed up?
I actually agree with 155. In one of the recent FMLs the same comment got repeated at least 4 times yet people still thumbed it up. As for this FML, if you look at the time, they posted that same comment almost at the same time. It was just unfortunate 5 came second.
OP could just hack through the door with an ax and peek inside saying "here's Johnny". That's how the pros get into locked rooms, anyways..
Or just take out the pins in the hinges lol
What if the pins are on the inside of the bathroom? You never know...
Don't even try to unscrew it. If you hit it on the top or bottom (depending on where the board is holding the door) with a "This is Sparta!!!!" kick, the door will open. Probably will need a new door though....
That's why you take the pins out...
Are you still in the room?
Surviving off the mints and Splenda she stole from a resturant.
Before anyone other than me says something, the FML doesn't say if OP is a boy or a girl so to be politicly correct, it*.
Good thing your cute there #8...
If op was in the room don't you think they'd be able to get out? I mean like you can close the board and open the door from the inside.
I think he might be...
I don't think that's what happened at all. I think you're just too weak to push the door open. You should go pump some iron. That pun was weak. Like you.
OP, you just got steamed.
I think you mean burned, as you can get burned by a clothes iron, too.
Thank you captain obvious.
42 idk how much time you've spent ironing but most irons steam as well.
How are you posting in the future when the future isn't here yet?
Shut up Nappa, always messing up. No wonder Vegeta killed you!
A real man admits he made a bad pun, then bounces back with a terrific burn. *clap clap clap*
Go through the window OP! If there is one... You are shit outta luck, hope you have another bathroom!
Good luck taking a shit.

oh the irony..
I don't think that's what happened at all. I think you're just too weak to push the door open. You should go pump some iron. That pun was weak. Like you.