By Anonymous - 23/11/2012 02:49 - Canada - Oakville

Today, I ran into an old friend, and she remarked how she couldn't believe we hadn't seen each other in a year. Except not only did I attend her baby shower a few weeks ago, I spent hundreds of dollars on a unique gift. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 274
You deserved it 2 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The exact same thing happened to me but instead of a babyshower it was her wedding.

dancer4life143 13

That sucks :/ but considering you just went to her baby shower, I'm sure she's just been really busy with her new baby and REALLY sleep deprived, so try not to take it personally(:


She has pregnancy brain going on. It makes it hard to remember anything!

could just be pregnancy brain. we ran into our daughter's Sunday school teacher at a store across town from where we go to church and she asked about my pregnancy and we had an entire conversation. I couldn't for the life of me figure out who she was because I just didn't associate her with that store. when she left, I asked my daughter (who had hugged her) who she was. my daughter and husband both looked at me like I was crazy. it happens.

Hundreds of dollars for a baby gift for someone you obviously dont know very well? What the hell?