Passive agressive

By pointlessperson - 06/02/2009 14:28 - Canada

Today, I hung out with a friend who has been too busy to hang out with me in a few months. I decided to make the day super special with fun plans and spent a lot of money doing so. When I got home, her Facebook status said, "Pointless day, gone to bed." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 803
You deserved it 3 020

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, don't say **** your life. I say **** your friend. What an ingrate.

necomni 0

Even if she had "depression" or whatever, it's no excuse for the friend putting that up on the internet to humiliate her. If she was depressed, she shouldn't dealt with her own problems instead of blurting "my friends are pointless" to the internet. How disrespectful.


Hey, don't say **** your life. I say **** your friend. What an ingrate.

i had a friend like that. he was never satisfied no matter what we did. i banged his girlfriend and she broke up with him for me. then he cried and we never spoke again. i suggest you do the same

Maybe that was an old status and she just didn't go on facebook that day

meganl_fml 0

like others have said f uck that friend.

necomni 0

Even if she had "depression" or whatever, it's no excuse for the friend putting that up on the internet to humiliate her. If she was depressed, she shouldn't dealt with her own problems instead of blurting "my friends are pointless" to the internet. How disrespectful.

CaptainCasual 0

What was the date of that status update (Does facebook have that?) She didn't blurt that, #25. No one else knows they were out, etc...don't make up things that aren't said. The day itself was pointless, and if you suffer from depression, the best day in the world still seems pointless.

I would have to disagree. I have gone through depression and yes there were days that no matter what we did I would think it was a pointless day... but I would lie through my teeth saying I was having fun because I didn't want to hurt my families feelings for trying to cheer me up. just because she's going through a hard time doesn't excuse her for being a bad friend.

Same with me. I always lied saying it was fun cause I know they were just trying to help me and I appreciated them for trying even

KawaiiRoxas 0

Thats ****** up. I'm sorry....But you shouldn't have spent all that money on her.