By WayTooMuchFacebook - 04/02/2012 05:07 - United States

Today, I read some funny scribblings on a wall in the bathroom stall. My first instinct was to "Like" it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 133
You deserved it 33 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Facebook addict, gotta learn how to stop looking at rectangular things to "like" and instead; go outside and get fresh air..

fthislyfe 22

Well you could have commented on them.


Just because you want to "like" a post or something does not mean you should. For example, my dog died. "Like."

Don't feel bad my first instinct was to like this FML.

perdix 29

For me, whenever I read anything, sentences seem incorrect if they don't begin with "Today" and end with "FML."

Yup! Someone say my dog die and you probably will like it! Thats something really sucky to do!

every time I see an FML that's really funny, or so stupid its awesome... I look for a like button. T-T I don't even facebook that often. its just...the 'liking' option is so addicting!

You know you're addicted to social networks when…

lesah5 1

Way to funny. But it true, I read something and my first thought is to LIKE IT

Provi90 0

Don't worry. There's a special place for people like you at Facebookers Anonymous, where you'll get the help you need!

withyou_fml 1

I don't see why this is an FML. My stories are actually bad things that happened to me and hurt my feelings. And it didn't make it on. But this does? FML seriously

b0ngs 7

I agree, but this is an FML b/c OP realized that shes a facebook addict and thinks in facebook terms.

44! You are inbetween a moderated comment and a mod's comment!!! AND YOU HAVE AN EXPOSED BOOBIE AS YOUR PICTURE!!!! O.o *watches from a distance*