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By Anonymous - 20/07/2009 22:44 - United States

Today, I was going to volunteer at a soup kitchen. I saw a man working, so I went up to him to ask where I should sign in. Before I even opened my mouth, he told me that they opened at 12 and to come back then for my meal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 023
You deserved it 4 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So what? Not all homeless people dress badly. If I was him, I would assume the same thing.

thumb_r0ck3r 0

I don't see the bad in this. I'm sure he had homeless coming there all morning and was just sick of them showing up.


soulfhood24 0

You get your clothes at goodwill?

Yeah, where'd she get those clothes, the toilet store?

Imawhalerider 0

no i got these digs from yo mama

just because you go to a soup kitchen doesnt mean your a ******* hobo. successful people are getting laid off every day and sometimes they just cant pay the bills because of the lack of income.

zendaddy0 0

you don't even know what some hobos look like at my old neighborhood there was a hobo who came to the stop sign in a completely clean tuxedo every day I have no idea how

Ninjasaurus18 9
528Alice491 3

....And?? Why is this an fml? The real fyl is that you're stupid and you think a miscommunication belongs here. Tell him you're there to volunteer. Problem solved, moron.

Funny comment number 1; and yeah people are getting into hard times everyday, don't ever judge someone, you don't know their story.

alex_vik 0

So what? Not all homeless people dress badly. If I was him, I would assume the same thing.

thumb_r0ck3r 0

I don't see the bad in this. I'm sure he had homeless coming there all morning and was just sick of them showing up.

Yeah that's why he works at a soup kitchen

What's so surprising? 99 in 100 people who walk in there want food..

FlaminYawn 0

how's this an FML again? so weak...

brunettebarbiie 0

i agree wiith #22. This is NOT an FML! weak much.

I agree how is this an FML ? Not every homeless person dresses bad.

He probably thought you were so ugly that you'd scare all the hobos away! You make desperate people prefer slow death by starvation over having to look at you.

He was doing his job and informing the public about when they open? FYL indeed. What the hell? no.