By lovesucks - 18/12/2009 20:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I realised that the most kisses I ever get are in text messages from my Dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 007
You deserved it 4 132

Same thing different taste


YayAmerica 0

At least your dad cares enough about you to send you sweet text messages. There IS a bright side. Now. Turn off the computer and go out and try to meet someone.

I effing hate it when people have to COME UP with a way that their life sucks. Your dad loves you? You're so ******. Get a life.

I'd kill to have a good relationship with my father. Whiny little bitch. :l

no love compares to the parents love :)

schwinn11 0

Well, your dad has fed you, clothed you, and put a roof over your head all these years, he outta be allowed to **** you! Hahahahahaha, you are weird

schwinn11 0

No seriously, you should be happy about this, it's a good thing. Guys are always going to use you, and your dad will be there to protect you, so be thankful!

Schwin11 - You do realise op is a bloke right?

schwinn11 0

holy shit I just realized you are a guy, what the *** is wrong with your family

I love that if the OP was a girl, this would be a wonderful thing, but as soon as you find out she's not you have to ask what's wrong with that family Yeah, sorry for ruining the funny.

daisylokes 16

ew dude wtf is wrong with you? tsk tsk nasty

STEPS ON HOW TO CHANGE THIS. 1. Learn how to be male prostitute. 2. Find a town where horny girls are very eager for sex. 3. Pick your street corner. 4. ????????? 5. PROFIT!!!

Isn't number four supposed to be receive money from girls? The ???????? doesn't really make sense when you know what goes there.

The most oral I get is from your dad, too.

vballerlover07 0

Hahahahahahaha! Aback: 1 OP: 0

dyliumo 0
dyliumo 0

i forgot the last quotation mark. >:(

And shows it by sending you obscene amounts of kisses over SMS.

fobchick 0

why the **** does everyone on this site spell REALIZED wrong!?!?!

He's from the UK. The British spelling is with an S instead of a Z. If you haven't noticed, they spell many words differently than us. =/

Well, fobchick... May I call you twat? Well Twat, Not everyone in the world is born in America. In some places like Europe and Australia, many words like Civilised, Rationalised, REALISED, etc... Are spelt with an "s" :D please grow a brain. We also spell Mum with a "U", Favourite and Neighbour with "OU" isn't amazing?

s/he's obviously young and has clearly no idea there is a spelling different to what he knows, yet. Being rude to him really wasn't mature, though he probably shouldn't be on this site, and using "****."

dudeitsdanny 9

This is a girl that called herself "fobgirl" Fall Out Boy girl, probably. You need to be patient with people like this. Most of them think Fall Out Boy is a guy. Most of them think that guy is Pete Wentz, not even Patrick Stump.

Why is it that there's an English (UK) and English (US)? What is the point in having 'colour' and 'color'? And who's idea was it exactly to go ******* with the English language in the first place!?