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By montextes - 25/07/2011 16:12 - United States

Today, my mom finally learned how to text. Now it's her way of communicating, even when we're in the same room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 285
You deserved it 3 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAintEvenMad 0


iAintEvenMad 0
saIty 17

Or she'll get her husband in on it.

Just hope your and your father's names aren't too close in the address book- it's easy to make mistakes with one hand.

saIty 17

Or she'll get her husband in on it.

Just hope your and your father's names aren't too close in the address book- it's easy to make mistakes with one hand.

that could be OP's solution! whenever she's texting in the same room, just forward her a sext.

crap sorry sorry -_- I'm making a twat of myself that was supposed to go on my double post D:

2ndSucks 15

Today, my wife stripped in front of me. Expecting to get something, I walked up to her. Instead, she started taking pictures, saying "she'd sext me later." FML

at least you don't have to listen to her incessant nagging

Madiluvsyuh98 2

37- now you have to read her incessant nagging.

You're luck your mother learned. I've tried teaching my mom, like, ten times and she still doesn't know how to even read an incoming text. It would be A LOT better if she knew; so, she wouldn't call me a hundred times when I'm out late.

kcircuses2 4

a text can't cook dinner she needs to get back in the kitchen

49. yes but you can delete it before reading it or block the number :)

Leadamp 7

my mother still uses text talk

hapetreefriend 1

Hopefully she gets over it eventually. I'd go crazy!

NastyNinja31 0

text me mommy one more time..

text back "I can't hear you louder please"

cool story bro, tell it again. What chapter do you SHUT UP????

wait until she teaches a nan or something... it's the type of scaring that never leaves when you receive. 'LOLS C u l8r' from your grandmother O_o

I would be offended, but ya' know... this is FML... worse stuff happens ^-^

wait until she teaches a nan or something... it's the type of scaring that never leaves when you receive. 'LOLS C u l8r' from your grandmother O_o

foilindo 0

my mom was like that with the nextel push to talk feature. lol

it bugs me so much when people do that! it's like, your right next to me, just talk to me face to face!

Try Tic Tacs, recommended by doctors during such situations.

that's not so bad. we young folk are on our phone all the time anyways. :P

nlr 9

when my parents need to text they have me text that person until my daddy learned o text then he made up his own texting language it makes me so mad when he texts me cds for come down stairs!

my dad does the same thing!!!!! it's freaking annoying!! like dad the stuff you send me doesn't mean what you think!

nlr 9

92: that gets annoying get a new catch phrase! and your not even saying it right! according to my hoodie and bumper sticker it's "cool story bro, tell it again".