By SilkySmooth - 28/11/2018 22:00

Today, I realised why my room has been smelling like berries and why sex has been so uncomfortable recently. Apparently boyfriend doesn't know the difference between hair conditioner and lube. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 771
You deserved it 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"What? They're both liquids, and this one smells nicer. I was thinking about using maple syrup, too, so you'd end up smelling like pancakes."

On the plus side, your bush has never been so shiny and manageable!


"What? They're both liquids, and this one smells nicer. I was thinking about using maple syrup, too, so you'd end up smelling like pancakes."

On the plus side, your bush has never been so shiny and manageable!

sourgirl101 28

Great, now I have that Marcy Playground song stuck in my head. Your Bf probably used it in the shower and it worked for him? He needs a quick tutorial with the difference between innies and outies. And next time maybe spring for the lube yourself. I learnt that lesson when I once got Blistex lip balm rubbed on me. Wonder if they have disco lemonade flavoured lube?

I smell sex and Pantene hair? I love that song!

there’s a difference?? i’ve been putting lube in my hair for years!!!

Looks like he doesn’t care about your health at all. Wouldn’t be shocked if you developed a case of BV or yeast infection from that- scented stuff is awful for your vag even on the outside/ vulva.

he probably doesn't realise there is a difference or that it could be harmful .I'm pretty sure my bf would have no clue it could have negative effects.