By SomeoneElse - 14/07/2009 13:39 - United Kingdom
Same thing different taste
Anyway, here's Wonderwall
By Anonymous - 01/04/2009 05:47 - United States
By bandfuckup - 13/03/2017 00:00
By Anonymous - 10/01/2011 20:43 - Isle of Man
By Renna303 - 18/09/2017 20:00
By jooshuarr - 18/06/2010 23:09 - Spain
By Anonymous - 26/05/2010 18:03 - Canada
Gibson headstock blues
By nicrus - 15/09/2016 20:13 - Norway
By Zizi - 04/07/2015 13:18 - Norway - Mosj?en
By Anonymous - 21/01/2013 17:04 - United States
Pay up
By Anonymous - 20/09/2021 01:00 - United Kingdom
Top comments
Yeah, same. Seriously, that's 9 guitars gone to waste because of some dumbfuck :'(
Cool story...good thing it aint true
Who's to say it's not real? It may well be, there is no part that is totally unreasonable.
shove a guitar up his ass
WOW. Finally a true FML. Beat the dudes ass.
who says its fake guiratars arw normally lined up so if ya knock one over they all go but seriously 2500 for 3 broken ones and 6 damaged? cheap ass guitars much?
you dont have to buy the guitars. they should have cameras to show u did nothing wrong, and so its not ur job to find the asshole....unless ur a cop lol. i was at a pawn shop looking at guitars. i picked up a really nice one i wanted, and it broke when i tried to tune it. the owner wanted me to pay for it cuz 'i' broke it. i told him to call the cops on me or im leaving. sort of related, but the point is that its not your problem.
So what you're say is.... since im a pretty big guy, i could just pick someone up and toss them into a pile of merchandise, destroying it all....and its not my fault? The guy i threw is responsible since he technically was the one that physically destroyed the products?
I would have either bioooked it or explained the situation to a manager.... or perhaps this is some sort of scam to help their business
that sucks
No shit
I hate fuckheads like that, sorry dude, fyl
@ #37 You ass hole! Lost the game
Damn it! This is the third time I lose the game today! :/ OP: FYL I don't understand how that moron thought it was a good idea to jump on someones back. :S
What "game?"
Especially in a music shop. >.>
**** I lost!
if you don't know what the Game is, you always win :D
FYL, unless they have security cameras and you can prove it wasn't your fault....
England has gone totally 1984 with surveillance cameras. Certainly, the douchebag who knocked you into the guitars will certainly be caught.
'Totally'? 'Douchebag'? You're not English, how the **** would you know? o.O
#7 is not lying, plus Im English and I use douchebag
How is it a YDI if they didn't have cameras? When you go into a place, do you first yell, "HEI, DO YOU GUYS HAVE SECURITY CAMERAS? SORRY, I JUST DON'T WANT SOME STUPIDFUCK JUMPING ON MY BACK AND MAKING ME DESTROY YOUR MERCHANDISE. OH, YOU DON'T? OKAY, THEN, BYE." I sincerely hope you don't do that.
Looks like you don't understand what sarcasm is either.
Agreed. I wouldn't pay that shit. Stores have insurance for a reason.
I don't know about that. rules are rules and sucky or not he has to be a man and pay. It does suck that that guy made him do it but someone has to pay or eventually the shop would be losing a lot of money and close. if I were him I'd pay, find the guy and use the guitar peices to beat the living shit out him him. money well spent
Aw thats horrible FYL. And to the people saying to look at the security footage, how are they going to find the guy who did it to make him pay? And the shop wont pay to get them fixed so...
I would have ran out with him. That's a lot of money to waste because some asshole scared you

Did you beat him with the pieces of the guitars he made you smash?
I hate fuckheads like that, sorry dude, fyl