By Anonymous - 27/03/2011 18:41 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Kaya Marley Ramsey - 05/10/2021 06:00
By Happyforeverx - 25/10/2009 15:30 - United Arab Emirates
Nice try
By No.Life. - 14/07/2010 04:09 - United States
Get a life
By Anonymous - 23/02/2011 08:17 - United States
Lonely, so lonely
By Anonymous - 05/06/2021 11:59 - China - Shanghai
By pottie69 - 07/09/2011 05:23 - United States
By Baileyy - 01/03/2011 23:18 - United States
Message in a bottle
By Anonymous - 11/09/2023 02:30
Take a break
By Jekyll - 06/08/2019 08:00 - United States - Norwell
By Anonymous - 07/11/2019 05:45
Top comments
This is what social networks can do to you.
lol I don't even have a Facebook it's a waste of damn time
this is what religion does to u
I Like The Way You Capatalized The First Letter Of Each Of Your Words. It Makes You Look Hip, And Fun.
and now I look stupid because her comment got deleted.
This is dumb. You should have changed your status to: "Gave up facebook for lent. See you all soon" YDI
I gave fb up for lent too. sorry about that hope it gets better.
Good for you, #286! Convince of us of more reasons why you're more productive than the OP, please! I'm dying to hear!
Why so serious?
so raise your glass if you are wrong, in all the right ways.....haha just continuing the song, from why so serious. :D
313 or bad Photoshop?
Facebook is shutting down for good next year because the owner can't be bothered with it anymore.. Wonder what op's gonna do then...
Someone hacked my facebook and I can't get on lol. Who cares though, I just want my main email back...
312 that is awesome! I love P!nk
308- Love it, thanks for a great comment.
I only use Facebook to see what people are doing then ask em if they want to go and do something constructive
312-you remind me of Fred hehe:D
lol I get that a lot :D
No need to be a bitch, 303
Facebook is for fagsd
Can anyone say LOSER?
Couldn't agree more. I swear people and there facebooks. And then when people ask me if I have a FB and I say no they look at me like IM the the one without a life -_-
Exactly what what I was thinking Navith, people are sad *sigh*
#151 WIN!! Hahaha.
same here! i Dont have FB and people think I'm from a different planet!!
Did any of y'all ever hear of an addiction? The internet AND facebook are like drugs to some people. Would you make fun of them? Oh wait, you would cause your immature.
I have a fb and I'm not afraid to say it, I know it's not good for this convo right now but at least I can control and addiction.
#186- Or maybe just intolerant. OP is ridiculous, and I don't care being intolerant. OP should buy a life, there are so many REAL problems in life, it's stupid to create one with a Fu*king social network. OP immature. Not us.
Yes we are, my friend, yes we are...
lol 186 sry but there is a serious problem is some one becomes addicted to a social network site like that.. look i fid myself pathetic to play that much on online games as i almost consider it like an addiction and yes it's a problem!! We are immature for saying it? suks to b u sister.. OP sry to hear you are getting depressed but maybe its time u look outside your window. you might actually see human beings walking in the street.. answer the wake up call OP... ohh and get help.. FML is not really the best place to get the kinda help you need... btw 186, immaturity always depends on the point of view, in my opinion, you could very well be immature for trying to make OP's addiction normal.. see my point?
Hey Gerard, how's life been treating you?
I have a Facebook but I only have one because I am trying to find the true point of it.
310, I like your profile o/ *Gerard is greaaaaat now, isn't he*
haha.. i love your picture.!
I'll admit, I have an FB, but I use it like FML. It's really only good for watching the amusing statuses some people post. Other than that... I've shut it down every so often when there's a lull. I don't have time to spend all day on FB, I have video games to play! :O *sarcasm*
151 - No it is not.
Has anyone noticed that FML has started to be used like Facebook? Complete with stupid arguments and meaningless comments? If you're commenting on FML, you have no right to criticize others for using a Facebook.
Maybe it's not just Facebook that made him depressed maybe there are other things that made him feel depressed like for me I know it was when my grandma died right in front of my eyes .. even though that was four years ago it still hurts maybe that's op's problem but you people can't say he deserved it.
Please take note of where he said "ALL because" he gave up Facebook
i gave up ps3, soo hard.
I gave up masturbating. believe me, it definitely is hard as hell.
you obviously didn't get the pun.
i agree, thats disguisting
why is it disgusting? it's natural. baby boys ********** in the womb. just cos you don't do something, doesn't mean it's automatically disgusting.
Why does it have to be just guys? I'd be lost without my Lelo. :3
73 are u ten? face the facts guys have urges it is natural and apart of being human. they have the urges because nature wants them to procreate. as they may be too young or don't want kids they get rid of the urge by beating there meat. its not disgusting. even women have these urges... ever heard of protected sex? people have sex to rid them selves of there urges. oh and it is spelt disgusting*
I just realized 73 trolled us all.. damn it. I fell for it like a douche.
You guys do know that girls ********** just as much as guys, right?
I rubbed one out like 4 times just reading this FML
OMG 127 I so agree with you.
she likes to watch lol everyone masturbates it's just some ppl make a huge deal of it
#127, oh, and by the way it's spelt YOU*
261, *spelled.
264 actually 261 is correct:)
Thanks, 266. I really didn't want to stress over FML's illiterate members.
wow by reading these comments I feel like I'm attending grammar and sex ed class. -.-
#326, in your screenname, blonde is spelt incorrectly.
261 and 183 please take your grammar nazi trolling some where else.
141, don't flatter 73. She's from Canada, she doesn't know how to troll.
u my friend, are a brave and courageous man....
@223: And if I might add, 100% of females and males who DO NOT **********... are damned liars.
no facebook = social suicide.
Not true at all. Plenty of people don't have a facebook (myself included) and still have a social life.
I don't have facebook either.
me neither :)
nor I
i don't have books.
I don't have a face.
ah yeah thought about That too, but wouldnt be able to get away with it since my pic shows a face.
me either(:
173, You're super pretty! I love your hair!
If you see a girl on FML who is really hot there is a really good it's fake.
My mother has facebook which is the main reason I do not
262- same here
It doesn't matter if she has a picture of someone who isn't really her. That's her choice.
did she ever say it was her..?
Oh good god, who cares?!
My preppy friend gave up Justin Bieber for lent. She freaked out.
how could she even handle that?!?
by not being a HUGE lg
OMG?!?! NO NOT JUSTIN BIEBER!! Im speaking in sarcasm if you haven't realized yet :P
dude, I like love you for that comment^
I gave up smoking crack for lent.
op you idiot.. have you thought of suicide? :(
Easter is almost here
little extreme there eh?
a lil extreme but I agree
In case you didn't realize, Easter marks the end of Lent, idiots. I'm not even Christian and I know that.

This is what social networks can do to you.
Can anyone say LOSER?