By Anonymous - 03/12/2014 18:34 - United States - Hartford

Today, I realized that although I'm dating the most loveable, caring and genuine man, the fact that he's a crack addict means I'll never be his drug of choice when he needs a hit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 943
You deserved it 21 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely the fact he takes crack is concern enough?

OP, shouldn't you be more worried that he's a crack addict?


Ydi for dating a crackhead and being more worried about yourself than his addiction.

flashback_fml 14

Thats what most people usually say about crack addicts.

You should leave him before he starts to sell your things for crack

I'm sorry for your pain, for the insensitivity of so many commenters, and for your boyfriend's struggle. Loving an addict is like hell on earth. I wish you both the strength to help yourselves.

If you care about him though you'd get him help. Concerns me that it seems like you're worries more about you not being his drug of choice and not the fact that he has am actual addiction.

Worried* an* I really butchered that.

you clearly don't need that in your life... unless he is willing to get help.

nika_rose_ 5

I feel that I should crack a joke, but...

ezrajab 22

Sorry op but YDI for that one maybe reevaluate your relationship?

let me guess, you give him money for crack.

FinalCloud18 3