By izziegrl - 24/09/2012 18:21 - Mexico - Naucalpan

Today, I realized that I spend more money on gas to go to my job than what I get paid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 425
You deserved it 3 626

Same thing different taste

Top comments

biglittlehead 12

Im so glad I can walk to job. Sorry to hear that. Maybe find a closer to home job?

If you can, find a cheaper way to travel to work, or car pool with someone. At least you have a job so that's a start.


melrose90210 10
youaint 2

Welcome to the New American peasantry! Growing more and more each day! :)

babalicios 1

I freakin agree with ya. Same story

pabst4america 1

Get a different job closer to where you live

taliayungdiva 9

A bus? Maybe the metro link?? :-/

If its costing you then why are you still going to work!?

same for me. but thats because of the way I drive

If that's the case find other ways of transport to get to work that are cheaper or start looking for a new job that's either closer or pays more.

And you didn't figure that out before accepting this job?

Unless you are getting some important training or experience from this job, you really need to find a new one! It's often easier to find a job while you still have one, but start looking now, and drop this one as soon as you can - who needs to pay to go to work!? (or maybe see if you can car-share with a colleague).