By Anonymous - 10/09/2013 17:44 - Canada - Mississauga

Today, I realized that it's become a regular occurrence for my mother and me to talk about our pubic hair. I don't know which is worse, the fact that I now know that she shaves it, or the fact that we even talk about this stuff. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 164
You deserved it 13 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MoronsAccount1 12

At least she isn't rocking a 1970s bush........

jojj351 12

i would go with the fact that you talk about it


I don't think there's anything wrong with this. You can talk about these things with a significant other or close friend, yeah? Nothing wrong with being the same way with your mom.

My mother informed me that she has one long gray pube lol

why is this an fml? be grateful you can talk to your mom about anything. a lot of people would pay to have this kind of relationship with their mom.

michaelaangel 5

There's nothing shameful about that. All natural and normal parts of life.

lolita88_fml 27

That's rather odd but not unheard of. Some people are just very close to their parents and can talk about 'awkward' things.

Did you know Libido is inherited? I learned that from my father while having the sex talk. He voiced hos conserns about my future sex life because He "remembers puberty and urges". Thats really something you dont need to know about your parents.

mommykrissy_05 7

I talk with my mom about this stuff and much more personal things. I like that we can talk openly and freely! Unless you are male then that would be a bit awkward!

why is this an fml? a lot of people talk about this stuff with their moms, and a lot of people would pay to be able to talk about this stuff with their moms. just means your close. moms mom, shes been there done that so usually if you want honest info that's where you go.

It gets worse... when you talk to your mom and grandmother and know way to much about their sex lives... Lol

My mom poops with the door open haha and when I shower she'll just walk in and talk to me

How much is there to say about pubic hair that you can talk about it on a "regular occurrence"? It's not like regular hair where girls can talk about braidings and extensions... Or is it? :)