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Itchy arse

By DaggerHole - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I learned the worst part about being dared to shave your ass hair: Stubble. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 354
You deserved it 16 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have chosen "truth". On the other hand, I'm sure you have a sexy five o'clock shadow now. Too bad it's where the sun don't shine.


SoapTurtle 7

what a shitty situation amirite

Infamous_Tora 12

... Not even in this FML is that saying justified. Please, show yourself the door.

I don't bother with downvoting anymore, trolls are gonna troll. I've learned to expect these comments, and accept the troll as a member of a community, in the hopes that one day, the beast may become tamed.

Ihavegas 22

I agree nothing like a smooth ass and the cool breeze that follows

No it's the soft hair tips that emerge after waxing, not the sharp cut ends after shaving that are so itchy!

Karenezzy 20

Unless they are allergic to wax, it'll be worst.

bertyogurt 7

I've had a fear of waxing ever since The 40-year-old Virgin came out. That waxing scene is ruthless!

That movie was disturbing. @OP, could be worse, a rash due to razor burn would have iced that cake right there.

Should have chosen "truth". On the other hand, I'm sure you have a sexy five o'clock shadow now. Too bad it's where the sun don't shine.

Just keep shaving, shaving, shaving.. What do we do? We. just. shave.

I think the worst part about being dared to shave your ass hair is not knowing how to say no.

I think the worst part is having to deal with the swamp-ass after that. Men have ass-fros for a reason.

kewpiesuicide 29

And that's why I'm a lesbian 62... Ugh

MiloBear 11

I have been there, buddy. First is the itchy stage, then the painfully prickly stage.

ThatFancyPenn 18

And then the comfortable half inch stage

nick347b 6

I don't get it, I always thought that it would be horribly uncomfortable, but then I actually tried it and I've never had a problem with it.

damnit1989 16

Just wait until your underwear or jeans pull on those little growing hairs.

chocolatefrog28 29

And so begins the awkward cycle of extreme manscaping. Godspeed, OP.