By fs - 23/11/2013 23:45 - United States - Northfield

Today, I realized that no matter what I accomplish in life, I'll always be remembered for being the son of a woman so stupid that she claimed she used to be Elvis Presley's mistress. She was still an infant when he died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 429
You deserved it 3 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have an extra push to graduate, get a job and move out on your own ASAP, nobody has to know who your mom is and what she has done. On other hand, as long as she was a good mom to you, you should jot be embarrassed of her.


Reverend_Rabbitt 0

I JUST figured it out. It wasn't Elvis, it was YLVIS! It just happened a few months ago. She called herself "the Fox" and then there was a song made about all of her very strange sex noises.

Thats okay, my grandmother thought she was his twin because she was born same date and time as him but they obviously had different parents lol

QueenOrangeSoda 21

Um, Elvis is the only dead person in this FML. Not quite sure what point you're trying to make.

My mom was 8 when elvis died... So how much of an infant was your mother? You must be really young, because I'm still in my mid 20s.

Seriously, who going to know how crazy your mom is unless you tell them? Zip your lip.

Reverend_Rabbitt 0

Clear, but irrelevant. Everybody processes emotion and death and regret in their own way. I understand the advice you're trying to give, but you don't have to be a twat about it.

knoxxx 22

You don't really have any idea what type of relationship OP has with his mother, so you're really being quite judgmental here. While I agree that people should appreciate the time they have with their family and loved ones, not everyone is raised by their mother, or even has a mother that cares for them. So just because you had a loving relationship with your parent and know first hand that time you get to spend with people you love is precious, doesn't mean OP is a bitch for being irritated that his mother has made a reputation for him.

Reverend_Rabbitt 0

That's what I meant, except I like using the word "twat".

It's interesting that those who can't add, can easily multiply.

that's your mom you need to respect her no matter WHAT I'm sure you've done or will do some stupid things in your lifetime & I doubt your mom will go around saying your stupid!