By Anonymous - 27/12/2010 19:51 - Estonia

Today, I realized that not only did my parents not get me anything for Christmas, they also stole the $500 my grandparents gave me to buy a computer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 113
You deserved it 2 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

@ #9-Parents are obligated to feed their children and provide a roof over their heads. It does not justify stealing. It's too bad Santa couldn't bring OP a new family for Christmas.


Thats totally wrong and it sounds like my mom cept she tried to take$2500 from me

shit my mom stole mine 2 I had half the money 4 a new laptop since her bf ****** mine up

Your parents really ******* suck! I agree break the computer and steal the same Amount from them or a little bit more (;

liyah0618 0

Your parents must be on drugs!! Don't be surprise when you find out!!!

I wonder if they "stole" that money to keep the bills paid. You should be grateful that they care enough about the stuff that really matters. Get over yourself.

gtrgdss 0

Your parents don't even deserve to be called parents. I hope the computer falls and crushes them.