By thesadone - 03/07/2010 06:49 - United States

Today, I realized that the best and most entertaining part of my 3 day mini vacation was realizing my nipples work on the touch screen of my iPhone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 966
You deserved it 10 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

honestly that's ******* amazing haha. :)

danipoo4u 0

Haha wow I am about to so try that right now lol


haha using nipples and um... on the iPhone IS fun

BabyGirl789 0
martron3000 5

That will come in handy if you are ever kidnapped and your hands are tied behind your back. You can type out a text message, calling for help by using your nipples! 

corynchaos 0

I wonder how many people will put their nipples on the iPhones now.

i just typed this with my breast lol ;D

dur. it's activated by heat. it even works with a damp napkin. or my tongue.

wrxnpnds UVA ghuvvhv I actually thought I was doing good! It's really hard to type with your nipple!!!

cheergirly16 0

How is this an fml lol but that's cool