By thesadone - 03/07/2010 06:49 - United States

Today, I realized that the best and most entertaining part of my 3 day mini vacation was realizing my nipples work on the touch screen of my iPhone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 966
You deserved it 10 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

honestly that's ******* amazing haha. :)

danipoo4u 0

Haha wow I am about to so try that right now lol


r6_fml 4

I typed this entire comment with my nipples

cinnamon20 1

i've tried this already too, hardly a fml though

this is not an fml, it's an achievement. i applaud you OP.

WantedPeak 0

Holy Sh*t it works! :D hahahahahahaha

Allison_H 0

typd with nhijllme. Shit. LOL.

lakswimmer33 0

Lol I moderated this. I tried it and it does work!