By Creeped Out - 29/05/2017 18:00

Today, I went to the grocery store. As I was checking out, I went to grab the same item that the cashier was reaching for. He brushed my hand. He then both watched me creepily and asked my what lotion I used to make my hands so soft. When I left, he said, "I'll dream of you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 176
You deserved it 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He'll probably go buy the same lotion to help "dreaming about you" go more smoothly, if you know what I mean.;)

species4872 19


nzfireman 14

nawwww warm fuzzies .. not. that's sooo creepy

He'll probably go buy the same lotion to help "dreaming about you" go more smoothly, if you know what I mean.;)

species4872 19

Don't go to that register again...or make sure he isn't working there...

dade35 4

Did he offer some fava beans?

that might have been him having a weird sense of humour but it's still not appropriate. hope you are ok OP and ok to go back.

Inappropriate for a worker, but think how you'd feel if he was extremely hot. Take it as a compliment, avoid his line, and report it if it happens again.

lisyaorancrazed 16

Under no circumstances should you ever take something like this as a compliment. It's creepy no matter their physical attractiveness level. Also, the OP never said the person wasn't good looking or at least decent looking.

If he had been better looking this be the "romantic" moment you were bragging to your friends about.

thatslifeiguess7 16

I would go back ask a few questions Does he like butterflies? Especially rare ones? A poodle? A dungeon with a well? Does he collect baskets? Do they know him be name at lush?