By mooseknuckle - 31/05/2009 17:11 - United States

Today, I realized that the closest thing I have to a savings account is the cup on my dresser with coins in it. I counted it, $17.34. That is my savings. I'm 28. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 819
You deserved it 50 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nammz 0

you're pathetic get a job ydi

LTMcleod 0

to bad you don't buy your own food, electricity, gas, insurance, maybe heat, water bill, furniture. :p


three words for you, GET... A... JOB!

Don't pay much attention to most on here. They all live at home still. So far only seen 2 decent comments here 12 & 21.

YDI. I grew up with Welfare, started working when I was 13, moved out at 17, paid my way through college, started my own company, bought myself a house and started retirement at 34. Now I'm 36 and the only reason I'm going back to work is because I'm bored out of my mind. Anyone can do it if they are determined.

wow #177 what sort of business did you start? I would love to learn about how you managed to be so successful

Anyone want to not assume he's pathetic and that maybe he pays his bills, leaving him broke? Not everyone lives at home, or in a place with low cost of living

Too many assumptions going on here. OP may have a job, best thing I can say is eliminate unecassary expenses & work towards getting a better wages. Chin up!