By Anonymous - 12/09/2013 22:27 - Sweden - Vällingby

Today, I realized that what I thought for years was my country's National Anthem, is actually the theme song of a TV show. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 168
You deserved it 57 661

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RpiesSPIES 27

Hangin' out. Down the street. The same old thing. We did last week. . . Sure it's in Sweden, but there's a chance.


Hur lyckades du inte veta nationalsången?

man sjunger den ju inte så ofta, jag vet inte hur du gamla du fria låter men jag vet att den är national sången... om jag inte hade vetat det skulle jag kanske tro att den va stockholm i mitt hjärta (ursäkta om stavningen/gramatiken är fel, jag lärde mig bara hur att prata svenska, ibte att skriva)

FYI everyone, the US is perhaps the most patriotic western country in the world so you're brought up to know everything about your country. other countries aren't so into that crap so that could be very normal for them.

BigJones62 0

I bet it's American Dad. Good morning, USA! I got a feeling that it's going to be a wonderful day! The sun in the sky has a smile on his face, And he's shining a salute to the American race! *trombones* I know it's well to say, Good morning, USA!

How the hell do you not know your own national anthem?

At least it's not just Americans who are that ignorant.

Don't feel too bad. I had a similar realization just a few weeks ago when I found out Flower if Scotland isn't my national anthem; it was actually written by a folk band in the 60's. I also found out Scotland doesn't even have an official anthem of its own, it just shares God Save the Queen :/

The Ding Dong Song? Or ABBA? Only Swedish artists I know...

Hehe, that's funny! I don't recall ever having to learn the national anthem in school (or anywhere)... I did have to learn The Lord's Prayer though... And I'm an atheist.