By PurpleSloth - 15/02/2013 13:57 - United States - Tracy

Today, I realized that without my birth control pills, I would have no idea what day it is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 909
You deserved it 16 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LiterOfCola 16

Rough and getting off. That's just the way she likes it


Me too. I even forget later what day it is and need to check that I did actually take my pill today and not yesterday. :P

What!!!!??? Clearly you have the 28 pack (the one with the sugar pills)........cause if you took the 21 pack would you lose 12 weeks if the year from this dependency???!! I just read all the others.........omg and I'm ashamed other women doing the same thing!!

SomeDeadRabbits 8

Did you realize this when forgetting to take one and in turn, forget what day it was? Because if so, you just won a NEW BABY!

F*ck the calendar, look out of the window... Might give you an idea about the time of day.

This FML reminded me to take my pill. Thank you, ma'am.