By Anonymous - 29/01/2012 19:55 - United States

Today, I realized the closest thing I've had to an intimate relationship with a female is the one I have with my cat. Even then, she ignores me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 522
You deserved it 5 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Calen5556 0

I'm not sure if "intimate" is the best word choice to describe your relationship with your cat

klimp 0

That is incredibly disturbing. Do you lick that pussy?


Getting intimate with your cat is just disturbing. Unless you're a cat too. Which isn't exactly possible!

toalysium 15

A single guy with a cat? You might as well buy some leather pants and a rainbow bumper sticker.

Cojoe13 0

Haha Forever Alone I feel bad for u

zeromarth 2

Oh my. It's a sad day to be from Kentucky. What the world must think of us.

U have a cat and wonder why u cant get girls?

Ummm. This probably could have been worded better. I feel sorry for you, actually. Good luck in the long run, bud.

twisted_cherub 14

First, stop being a dude who cares that much about his cat. Then, stop caring whether or not the cat likes you. If a guy has a cat, his only concern should be if it's healthy or not. For a cat to like someone, that person has to put a lot of time & effort into making the cat happy. That tells a girl you're clingy and over-emotional. Now, man up, get a puppy (so it gets along with the cat) and use the puppy to get attention from human women.

twisted_cherub 14

And for the love of humanity, get a breed of dog that's manly. No "toy" anythings. Nothing that can be considered a lap dog. No "miniatures" either.

CaptainPickles72 18

I feel sorry for any man that will get with you.

You get intimate with your cat? What is wrong with you?????