By Jackie - 14/09/2010 20:00 - United States

Today, I realized the guy I like is not deaf. This would normally be good news. However, for the past two weeks I assumed he was deaf after seeing him use sign language. I've been openly talking about him within earshot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 567
You deserved it 49 740

Same thing different taste

Top comments

twinny_sc 13

Wow that's stupid because even deaf people can read lips.


YupThatsLiv 0

how him? how you like him? how you wanna bang him? so many questions

russianspy1234 11

When you assume you make an ass out of u & me.

robc32ca 4

if you liked him what kinda crap did you say about him that would have turned him off you?

I know I would've been turned off by hearing what was obviously a stranger prattling on about how much he or she liked me.

You are a jackass for assuming that he was deaf because he was using sign language. If you really cared about him then if he is deaf should not make a difference to you.

amazinggbaby 2

It doesn't say it does make a difference. She liked him when he was apparently deaf. The fml is that he knows whatever she openly said about him.

The "that would normally be good news" could imply that she viewed the deafness as a drawback. I gave OP the BOTD, though, and assumed she was basing that on the potential communication issues.

sweetTnt_fml 0

I feel your pain OP. I had a crush on a CODA in our group of mixed deaf/hearing friends. Most of the time CODAs will let you know they're hearing, but every now and then there are some hearing people (CODA or not) that will "pretend" to be deaf, and absolutely refuse to speak to you. The guy I liked was one of those, and I didn't find out until later. At no point of me standing in front of him and asking friends next to him about him (if he was busy at that moment in conversation with someone else), or me signing to him, did he ever hint that he was hearing. It's a creepy mindset but those people are out there.