By Noname - 13/03/2009 04:24 - United States

Today, my friends and I were drinking boba. On the side of the cup it said "Please drink carefully to avoid choking on the Boba". I started to laugh at the ridiculousness of the label, and choked on the boba in a coughing fit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 598
You deserved it 68 704

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wtf is boba? Even without knowing what it is, it sounds pretty hilarious though.

in canada we call it Bubble Tea, a world of magical yummy goodness


Wtf is boba? Even without knowing what it is, it sounds pretty hilarious though.

in canada we call it Bubble Tea, a world of magical yummy goodness

pu13 5

The bubble tea place in Victoria is the best!!!

omgcookeys 15

70, it's not the tea itself, Its the little black "pearls" that they put in it

#90 OH! Bubble tea!! I love bubble tea (: we call it that in Australia too. ^^

Yea I live in Canada too we call it bubble tea lol the pearls are very big sometimes lol u can get small or none at all but u still gotta be careful


Ahhh I love boba!! BTW poster #1 its tapioca balls found at the bottom of a Taiwanese drink. You have to drink it with a large straw or else the balls will be trapped < ha. Thanks for posting this, it cracked me up!!

I got it in Japan once. Never knew the name. Thanks!

OH! That drink! I love that stuff. MMM red bean flavour. In NZ its called Bubble Milk Tea.

bmxx 0

#3 wtf is wrong with ur neck?

thats just hair hanging down over her neck.

81, that's probably better asked in a PM.

HAHAHA, i neva liked the boba balls. I always order Thai Tea Pearl Drink...but then I use the big straw to shoot the bobas out at people. good times =]

hahahaha I've done that too! I like the bobas but shooting them out the straw at other people and cars while my boyfriend drove is much more fun than eating them(:

Tall_Kid 0

HAHAHAHHAHHA this kind of stuff sums up my life

it's tapioca balls at the bottom of sweet tea. it's delicious and should be known a little more.

icecremex3 0

tapioca pearl milk tea :]] wow. naice :D

you gotta be careful when sucking up those balls. if anyone is ever sucking up my balls i make sure their throat is well lubricated

iiAteCookies 0
bella789 8

you sound like a dirty old pervert...unless that isn't u in UR profile picture deffinatley change it.

astroG 0

murphys law my friend