By farf - 20/05/2015 18:47

Today, I received 46 emails from co-workers who were using reply-all to tell everyone else not to use reply-all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 260
You deserved it 2 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sneado 20

Makes you look that much better for a higher position


I just know someone's going to say "reply-allception" and it's gonna piss me off

obliviongillette 18

All you can do now is reply back to each one individually correcting them of their error. That will show them!

When you work with them next just tell them what they did, don't keep replying to them or the emails will keep coming.

qdawg06 23

Not the most tech savvy coworkers apparently. But at least they mean well, I think.

Hit replyall and tell them to do work and quit sending irrelevant emails

Ughhh similar thing happens when you're in a group chat with an iPhone. Drives me crazy!!

Charles900 16

I'm going to guess that they aren't the geniuses of the workplace.