No fun allowed

By Anonymous - 10/06/2024 16:00 - United States - Galveston

Today, I sent an email to my boss about a sensitive project. After hitting send and getting a response, I remembered I'd set my automatic reply to say, "I'm currently out of the office, enjoying a much-needed break from all the idiots I work with." My boss was not amused when he replied and got the automatic email in return. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70
You deserved it 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorry buy you deserve it. who is dumb enough to even have a reply like that? oh wait

The idiot is you. What if a client had emailed you?


sorry buy you deserve it. who is dumb enough to even have a reply like that? oh wait

The idiot is you. What if a client had emailed you?

easybree 10

why would you even think of setting your reply like that in the first place? /: