By rhymehoardhh - 05/03/2016 01:41 - United States - Garland

Today, I received a big scholarship. I was ecstatic, until I looked up the cost of tuition at that university. I still need $120K. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 560
You deserved it 2 378

rhymehoardhh tells us more.

I submitted this FML because it felt like that moment when Miss Colombia had her crown stripped from her after two minutes, due to misjudging that the bulk of my tuition would be paid. However, I quickly got over it because yes, this was from a private university and there are many other options. Although this university is one of the top in my intended field, I will likely be attending a local state university at a fraction of the cost instead, cause it's just not worth it. Thank you so much for all your advice!

Top comments

Time to pull up the student loan applications, or see if you qualify for need based financial aid. University in the US is expensive. Expect to pay around $200,000 for a four year private university. It is cheaper for state schools. It is great that you have a partial scholarship. I am 4 years out from medical school and in my residency training, and I have more than $287,000 in student loans to pay back ...

Yup, college is expensive OP. Keep looking for scholarships though, it's helped me lessen the cost of tuition. Best of luck at university OP! :)


Even in Canada tuition is not so bad. It still sucks for people that can't get scholarships or grants though :/

And I thought €3,500 (or €11,000 for International students) a year to go to my college was bad!! Not sure about America, but €120K is the cost of a very decent 4 bedroomed house here in Ireland!

You could buy a house for $120,000 here in the US too. The quality of that price would depend on where it is, though.

Of course. It's a couple of million to get a place in Dublin city, but out in the countryside near a village where my mam lives (40 minutes from Dublin) her house was worth approximately €110-120K. The same with her neighbours also. Townhouses are only worth approx. €90,000 (in a busy town beside the village)...

neuronerd 28

Getting that scholarship is a great start! Assuming it's merit-based, it sounds like you're a very smart cookie. I applied for and got research fellowships to help pay for school. Not only did it help with the cost, but it gave me laboratory experience that helped me get into a graduate program. I suppose it depends on your desired major, but most fields will have some form of research work available in academia.

#americasucks the American higher-education system is so broken

Have you ever thought about the educational benefits of joining the military? You can go to school for free. I did and I served for 20 years. Hooyah Navy!

hoosiergirl94 31

You pay to go to school so you can get a better paying job and pay off those loans. You earn your way through school. If you believe in yourself you can do it.

I don't know much about how university works in America but in New Zealand we're covered by student loans and allowances. All the best for your studies op.

It's not ideal, but if possible consider going to a community or junior college for your core curriculum. Most schools accept transfer from such schools readily and don't look at it in any sort of negative light. I saved myself almost 40k by doing that and going to a state university after.