By rhymehoardhh - 05/03/2016 01:41 - United States - Garland

Today, I received a big scholarship. I was ecstatic, until I looked up the cost of tuition at that university. I still need $120K. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 560
You deserved it 2 378

rhymehoardhh tells us more.

I submitted this FML because it felt like that moment when Miss Colombia had her crown stripped from her after two minutes, due to misjudging that the bulk of my tuition would be paid. However, I quickly got over it because yes, this was from a private university and there are many other options. Although this university is one of the top in my intended field, I will likely be attending a local state university at a fraction of the cost instead, cause it's just not worth it. Thank you so much for all your advice!

Top comments

Time to pull up the student loan applications, or see if you qualify for need based financial aid. University in the US is expensive. Expect to pay around $200,000 for a four year private university. It is cheaper for state schools. It is great that you have a partial scholarship. I am 4 years out from medical school and in my residency training, and I have more than $287,000 in student loans to pay back ...

Yup, college is expensive OP. Keep looking for scholarships though, it's helped me lessen the cost of tuition. Best of luck at university OP! :)


And here I thought paying $6000 a semester was ridiculous!

This is why Bernie Sanders is so popular with people 18-30

Even if Bernie Sanders is elected and he creates a no-cost public higher education system, it won't eliminate private schools, which this school must be. Just like how most people attend public high-schools but there are still expensive private ones. There are much less expensive universities in the US. Given that OP has gotten a scholarship to such an expensive school, she can probably get into any school she wants. She doesn't HAVE to attend this one and pay this exorbitant amount, as others have pointed out.

BTW, Sorry if I got your gender wrong, OP. Ever since my FML app updated, I can't see the OP's gender. -.-

Schmavid64 13

Wow that's insane. No wonder the US has problems with its university graduates if that's the cost of a degree.

That's on the high side, even for the US. I took five years of university and my debt is $26K. Still going to take me forever to pay off, but I'm still one of the lucky ones.

Must be an Ivy League school. They're great IF you can afford them. Usually employers care more about what you got your degree in than where you got it, though.

I'm so so glad my education was free in Scotland. **** paying 120 grand for a degree. I'm sorry OP, why don't you consider moving abroad? Even the unis of Edinburgh or St Andrews aren't that expensive, and they're really good. If you're willing to move state, consider going a bit further afield!

RedCronos 17

If it really becomes that bad for you, maybe consider going to another university.

Wow what university are you trying to get into?? I go to a private one and it won't even cost that much when I'm done.

Vote Bernie Sanders. You'll get free tuition.

It's not guaranteed, even if he is elected. There are other forces at work that may reject it, or add a twist to it. Plus, I believe he only intends to make tuition free for public colleges/universities not private. I'm assuming OP wants to go to a really high-end private university. I don't exactly remember Sanders campaign for tuition so I might be wrong.

gobiteme2 34

Wow # 45 I can see where you are a low information person. When the government makes it free to you someone else is paying for it. Wait awhile and there will be another free program, which you will pay for.

Yes, we'll pay some higher taxes. When we say free we mean out-of-pocket expense free. I for one am happy to pay a bit extra flat rate in taxes and have assurance and peace of mind that I will have access to education, healthcare, if I need it. And I know this is a personal philosophical preference coming from a progressive, but I for one do not begrudge getting the benefits from being a part of society and paying it back so others in my society can have access. I don't mean to start a political war here. Just saying :)

If it's a top-tier University and your career path is in a field that will pay well in the future and you're confident that you'll perform in the upper 10th percentile in your class to help ensure you'll get a good gig upon graduation, then go for the debt. Seen it happen. Great reward often requires great risk.