By ThatOneChick856 - 10/07/2015 23:23 - United States - Franklin
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I am so sorry, OP. Time will heal the pain, be strong.
Open the car window and blame it on allergies. It's dust guys, not tears!
Damn. Well, there's plenty of fish in the sea, and time can heal any emotional wound. Sorry man.
Op is a girl.
Oh, semantics.
Same thing happened to me it gets better tho
Insert DR Phil advice here.
I totally read that in his voice too #7
What the hell is up with people breaking up via texts these days? Do these assholes not have even the decency to do it face-to-face? Seriously, a phone call would still be cowardly, but better than a damned text. What's next, breaking up via drone?
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Show it anywayI wouldn't send in a drone, she might try to take it out.
I did that with an ex. But in my mind I had justification. We hadn't seen each other in a few months and the last time we texted was 3 weeks ago. In my mind, that's not a relationship. Therefore texting her seemed not that asshole-ish. (Given she and I were already starting to drift away and see other people)
You know you say that. I got fired via text message. It's all going to hell in a hand basket.
Next is breaking up via snapchat... Once you see that.. Its over...
Breaking up by text is nothing new. I bet that in the olden days, people sent break up telegrams.
it seems to me that this is a teenage relationship. It's hard to expect a bit to act like a man. in other instances I have no idea. parents need to teach their kids responsibility rather than giving in to everything kids want nowadays. It's a vicious circle, men that don't know how to be men trying to raise men.
Years ago, I broke up with my high school girlfriend. Everyone told me to do it in person, so I did. She decided that as long as I was still there, we hadn't broken up. So she knocked me down and sat on me (not in a good way) for 45 minutes. I've broken up with everyone by text since then.
I've been broken up with by text AND by phone, both from the same girl. Thank God I finally learned, haven't talked to her in a year. Learn from me; if someone breaks up with you with either of those methods, don't go back to them, for your own good
I once got a note delivered to me by a mutual friend as a break up. He followed it up with an offer to be friends with benefits. The look on his face when I told him in person that I wanted my sex partners to at least have the courage to break up with me in person was great.
My friend forced me to go out with a guy that liked me so I could be more "socialized". Also, apparently rejecting him would kill his self-esteem and make me a bitch. He asked me out via text and broke up with me via text. I hate my generation.
don't cry. he isn't worth it. just text him back thank god you got rid of him
He could have at least called you to break up... I mean I would prefer face to face, but a phone call would've been nicer. You should've asked your family to change the station. They probably would've complied. Most of the time love song after love song is annoying, even on a good day.

What the hell is up with people breaking up via texts these days? Do these assholes not have even the decency to do it face-to-face? Seriously, a phone call would still be cowardly, but better than a damned text. What's next, breaking up via drone?
Insert DR Phil advice here.