By ThatOneChick856 - 10/07/2015 23:23 - United States - Franklin
Top comments
i feell for you so so sorry that happened. having to put a brave face on while truly hurt is so hard and i cannot put ibto words how you must have felt. again im sorry and ehat a ***** for not having the balls to at least tall to youbface to face xxxxxxxxxx
At least you were emotionally mature enough to hold back your tears. Good luck op your next one will be better.
haha, bitch crying rivers
Really break up text..? He don't even have the balls to even say in person to you then he's not a man and not even worth it.
if they are willing to break up with you over text. they arnt worth it. people need to have the balls to do it in person. I am sorry . wish you well.
Story of my life You will be ok
Face to face means you awkwardly have to leave crying and then go sit in traffic while crying... I'd prefer text.
it happens to us all. sometimes we dump, sometimes we get dumped. use the knowledge to make your next relationship better.
there is a right and a wrong way to do everything, and texting is almost always the wrong way.
What the hell is up with people breaking up via texts these days? Do these assholes not have even the decency to do it face-to-face? Seriously, a phone call would still be cowardly, but better than a damned text. What's next, breaking up via drone?
Insert DR Phil advice here.