By ThatOneChick856 - 10/07/2015 23:23 - United States - Franklin
Top comments
What type of car was it.
I feel you OP, my parents guilt trip/forced me to go out to dinner with them right after I got a break up text. Hope everything is okay for you now!
A guy who breaks up over text isn't worth your time, sorry OP:/
Anybody who sends a break up text isn't worth your time.
Happened to me the exact same way with one of my exs, it ******* sucked
Glad you're on good terms now.
What the hell is up with people breaking up via texts these days? Do these assholes not have even the decency to do it face-to-face? Seriously, a phone call would still be cowardly, but better than a damned text. What's next, breaking up via drone?
Insert DR Phil advice here.