By ThatOneChick856 - 10/07/2015 23:23 - United States - Franklin

Today, I received a break-up text while in a cramped car with my whole family. I had to choke back tears as we got stuck in traffic with the radio playing one love song after another. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 471
You deserved it 2 419

Top comments

What the hell is up with people breaking up via texts these days? Do these assholes not have even the decency to do it face-to-face? Seriously, a phone call would still be cowardly, but better than a damned text. What's next, breaking up via drone?


I feel you OP, my parents guilt trip/forced me to go out to dinner with them right after I got a break up text. Hope everything is okay for you now!

A guy who breaks up over text isn't worth your time, sorry OP:/

lissabobissa 18

That's rough Op. but things will get better. I'm sorry.

Anybody who sends a break up text isn't worth your time.

Happened to me the exact same way with one of my exs, it ******* sucked